The above are some of the charities Broadway has supported recently.
If you have turned to this section it means that you care about others, but don’t worry we’re not about to ask you for money.
A company’s Corporate Social Responsibility goes beyond legal compliance by engaging in actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm’s aims and to encourage a positive impact on the environment and including consumers, employees, investors, communities and others.
Broadway’s attitude to corporate social responsibility cascades straight from the top as Chief Executive Satt Sembhy enthuses: "Service to others is the rent that we pay for our room on earth – my grandmother taught me"
"We make a life not by what we get in this world but what we give – was my grandfather’s teaching. It is not in my nature to tell anyone what charitable acts we do as a company outside of our core business however our business associates and customers think differently and convinced me to share our values because they have the same or similar values.
My parents always taught me to put, whenever I could, even a small amount, into charity boxes. We can and do make differences in the lives of people. Over many years we at Broadway have, as a company and as private individuals, contributed to many charities without seeking thanks or trying to gain publicity but people have told us we should tell the story, so I have reluctantly agreed.
I’m sure that you too have been taught love and hopefully experienced love. It is one of the only things which unite us. Poor health is a setback that many of us have experienced personally or in ones we love so to help anyone directly or indirectly affected by ill health is important and gratifying.
We, as a company, have done remarkably well over 40 years in business and I would like to believe that our business has grown because it is based on good old ethical and moral values. We continue to do well and I thank God for that success, believing that, with his grace, he has raised us to be more than we would have been otherwise.
Recognising that whilst we have continued to grow through successive economic downturns it is charities that have suffered despite the hard work of fundraisers; so we continually feel the need to recognise their efforts by making donations to a variety of causes such as those listed above.
My father taught me never to turn anyone away when it comes to worthwhile charitable causes and I have tried to continue that maxim I know that some day I will be judged not for what I have taken but what I have put into this life".